Thursday, July 11, 2013

I'm back!!!

I was in no way anticipating being gone for over 3 months!!!! My summer school class was 3 weeks at the end of May and beginning of June. I thought it was only 3 day for 3 hours a day it ended up being 3 days for 3 hours and 2 days for 2 hours but online so I not much crafting got done. My mom and I also share the craft room as part my craft room and part her office. Well she is now working at home full time and I majorly lost my crafting space during my prime crafting time. We also did a few rummage sales and used my crafting table for that and since no one really likes to clean up their crafting supplies I wasn't to keen on crafting until after that was all over. Well we finally figured out a solution (I get to take over the kitchen table for the summer then move back into the craft room/office for weekends during the school year.) After class was over I went to visit this guy.
For my 21st Birthday!!!!!! I am once again props designing for my local community theater's summer musical and helping out with their kids camp. So it will be crazy the next 3 weeks starting Saturday. So my goal is to either pre-write a few blog posts or just put out a bunch tomorrow and you can choose to read them when you want!!!  I want to start doing challenges again that's the only reason I might publish in mass rather then scheduling them out over a few weeks.

One last thing..... I'm thinking of doing a little blog special feature type thing over the school year stay tuned to find out more.


  1. Sami, so happy you are back. Can't wait to see your challenges.

    Looks like you had a great time after class was over. Mickey Mouse is always a treat to be around!

  2. nice to see you sami :) looks like you had fun!! hope you can stick around!!

    lovies, =o) kel

  3. Good to see you! Glad you have worked out a craft space arrangement. I'm going to visit Mickey, too... in December. I'm going to California though.

  4. Just got my cheque for $500.

    Many times people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can get by taking paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself getting paid $500 for filling paid surveys to set the record straight once and for all.
