So I actually was one of the random winners from Digi Designs Challenge last week for the Favorite Color Combination Challenge! This wasn't the topic I was planning for this week but I wasn't quite ready for the watercolor post yet! Maybe next week! So I thought a fun topic for today might be favorite color combinations! My favorite is pink and orange. But I always really like Pink and Green, Purple and yellow, purple and blue, and really bright colors together when I'm doing kids cards!
What about you? What are you favorite color combinations?
As always, Feel free to comment down below, use the new contact form on the side, or Like the My Crafty Place Facebook page to leave suggestions for upcoming Craft Space Tuesday Posts! Any Craft related topic is up for grabs!
My all time favorite color combo is Kiwi Kiss, Turquoise with a side of Kraft or brown! Lovely 'earthy' colors ♥